About Us

The IRROMETER Company has been in business since 1951 manufacturing soil water measuring, controlling, and sampling instruments used worldwide for scheduling irrigation. Our IRROMETER tensiometers and WATERMARK soil water sensors are proven standards backed by decades of research and practical experience in the field. As the first company to produce commercially viable versions of this technology, we are the original name in soil water management and build that experience in to every product.

While we are proud of our past, we remain committed to continuous development of new technologies for soil water management. As agriculture and technology continue to mesh, the demand for accurate and affordable in-field data increases daily. Our sensors can be found literally at the root of management solutions provided by both ourselves as well as many OEM partners around the globe.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you optimize irrigation and maximize conservation with simple, affordable, and reliable solutions for growers and researchers worldwide.

Phone: (951) 682-9505
Fax: (951) 682-9501

Contact Sales: sales@irrometer.com
Contact Tech Support: techsupport@irrometer.com

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